For many of our positions, bike crew, services teams, drivers and more, 乐虎网的同事们可以在他们感觉最好的地方度过时光——户外. Opportunities such as our Operational Immersion Program and Day of Caring help keep all of our workers in the fresh air.
Make Sustainability Forefront
In every aspect of our behavior and actions, 我们有责任做出负责任的决定,并找到减少我们对地球影响的方法. We have dedicated goals in reducing our carbon footprint, reducing waste and conserving energy, 有机会在内部团体中做出贡献,比如地球委员会.
Give Back Locally, Afar & Globally
Clarke为同事提供了多种机会,让他们成为社区的积极成员, such as our annual Day of Caring. Beyond that, 我们已经建立了乐虎网关怀基金会,为世界各地有需要的社区提供蚊子传播疾病的救济,并捐赠了一部分利润,以支持同事提名的致力于恢复和保护环境的非营利组织.
Receive the Benefits that Matter
(Regular, Full Time Coworkers)
除了其他公司通常提供的习惯福利之外, 乐虎网提供各种创新的家庭和个人导向的福利, including generous PTO and paid winter break, varied medical plans, bonus opportunities, tuition reimbursement, LinkedIn Learning, flexible work environments (where applicable), fuel-efficient vehicle incentives and more. Clarke不仅关心本地和全球,也关心我们的同事!
It’s Our People Who Define Us
It is through the contributions of our coworkers, day in and day out, that we are able to serve our communities.
At each step of the way, 我们的领导团队由不同背景的人组成,从商业到科学再到监管. 每个人都为我们公司带来了专业知识,确保我们保持创新优势.